Foundation Online Good Hoopers Award
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

AIM: To have fun training your ‘Canine Hoopers’ dog at home, with minimal
or no equipment. These foundation skills demonstrate that you have a good
working platform for you and your dog to create a fabulous Canine Hoopers
partnership. You will show you have a good understanding of why Canine
Hoopers is a low impact, fun sport for dogs of all ages. All your training must be done
with patience, kindness and in a fun way using modern force-free techniques.
Eligibility: Any dog or bitch aged 16 weeks and older.
Equipment Needed: No Hoopers equipment required
Criteria: Please carry out these practical exercises in surroundings with as little distraction as
possible. Your dog should show willing and want to be with you and interact with you.
When videoing your dog for this online assessment, it should be wearing suitable equipment for
Canine Hoopers. Flat collars, head collars, harnesses, lead are all perfectly acceptable. No choke
chains, slip leads, prong collars, electric shock collars, electronic collar devices or any other aversive
tool may be used.
In order to pass the Foundation Online Good Hoopers Award, all sections of the assessment must be
completed to the satisfaction of the examiner, if some exercises are not completed or incorrect
answers given to the three written questions, your assessment will be rated as NT – nearly there and
you will be informed of which sections you need to work on. The written questions are based on the
current Canine Hoopers UK Rules & Regulations, a copy of which can be downloaded from the
Online GHA page on our
Rewards/treats/toys may be used during the exercises and on the completion of each exercise.