Canine Hoopers UK is run by a group of Hooperists. There is a committee that oversee all of the operations within the sport. Each of the committee members has an equal vote and they make decisions regarding the Rules, Regulations and work hard to maintain the ethos and integrity of the organisation and the sport as a whole. Apart from the committee, we have others working hard behind the scenes, from our Events co-ordinator, Publication co-ordinator to our Area Reps.
CHUK Committee

Hayley Laches
Hayley is based in South Lincolnshire and runs Taming Canines, a dog training club based near Billinghay. Hayley has been the driving force behind bringing Hoopers to the UK and has been successfully teaching and running Hoopers/NADAC style competitions since 2015.
Hayley also competes in agility using distance handling with a range of different breeds currently spanning grades 3 to 7 at the Kennel Club. When not training or competing in agility and hoopers, Hayley spends her time competing in Bikejor and doing other dog related activities such as K9SUP, heelwork to music freestyle, running the British Agility Association and working with dogs with behavioural issues.Hayley does a lot of 1-2-1 training specifically aimed at problem solving for handlers and their dogs. Hayley only teaches using positive methods that involve games and free shaping.
Hayley has applied her many years sports training experience along with her professional training qualifications to develop and deliver our Accredited Instructor Programme throughout the UK, her passion for developing trainers and sports dogs is evident.
Find out more about Hayley and the services she offers here:

Jan Smith
Jan Smith has been doing Hoopers since 2018. Prior to this she competed in agility, running at KC Championship level. Whilst waiting for herhip replacement she swapped from Agility to Hoopers. Learning distance handling was just what she needed and she has never looked back. Unfortunately Jan lost her Hoopers dog back in January 2021. In May Jan rehomed a Lurcher Collie Cross who is now 11 months old and they are embarking on their new Hoopers journey together.
Jan is a Level 2 Advanced Accredited Instructor and she teaches at Top Farm Hoopers and also for Felthorpe Hoopers.
Jan is also the area rep for Norfolk and is often found helping others out with shows and events.

Martin Hart
Martin is based in Scotland, just outside the outskirts of Glasgow.
I am a L1 ACHUKI, I run my own hoopers club on the Isle of Cumbrae which is a 10 min ferry Journey from Largs on the mainland. Everyone in my group is just starting out on their hoopers journey. There is not a lot for dogs to do on the Island in the way of any type of training. I thought hoopers would be an ideal and accessible dog sport for people to get involved in and so started my own club, Millport Canine Hoopers, from scratch.
I also help out with the training at West of Scotland Hoopers and train there with one of my own dogs. I have two dogs which are both rescues, Lola who is a almost 4 year Lab Rottweiler cross and Sam who is a 2 year old Border Collie who did not take to sheep.
I got into hoopers as I knew I was taking on a big dog who would need something to keep her enriched and that it would also be fun for both of us. I understand what it is like to compete with a yellow dog, as my Border Collie can be quite nervous but we work through that either using NFC or exploring other training methods.
Learning the new skills through CHUK. I decided that it would be great to teach others how great their dogs and themselves could be, so I decided to become an instructor. I judge at Starters Level at a most of the CHUK shows in Scotland. I am often seen chatting to people and noseying about their dogs and their progress. I have a keen interest in dog training and dog behaviours, being involved in hoopers training has really inspired my interest to work towards qualifications in other areas of dog training and behavoiur. It has helped me understand what can be possible for a dog and never to give up on them.
I served in the Army as a Telecommunications technician for 9 years and now work at an IT consulting engineer and lead a team of consultants. I also practice Taekwondo in the little spare time that I have and I am currently a Green belt with Blue Tags.
People behind the scenes

Jacki Ciereszko
Events Co-Ordinator
Jacki is an instructor with Frome Dog Training Club in the Wiltshire/Somerset area.
She competes regularly with Lottie, Carol Scott’s dog, in Novice level. Having attended last years YKC Summer Camp, alongside Carol Scott & Heather Rose, as well as being part of the organising team for Discover Dogs in November, the committee thought she was the right fit to try this exciting role.
As our events co-ordinator, Jackiis there working closely with our other instructors helping them run events and helping with demonstrations at larger public events. Jacki is also the main driving force behind CHUK’s own National Finals event, Hose Hoopathon and The Tri Score Tournament.
Area Reps
All of our Area Reps work super hard behind the scenes helping out their local instructors and working with competitors and the general public making information easily accessible, supporting everyone and helping to bring CHUK events all around the UK.
Click here to go to the Area Reps Contact Page